Bury: to put (a dead body) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony
Overjoy: very happy
Grave: tomb
Reject: refuse
Betray: to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery
Fade: to lose or cause to lose brightness, colour, or clarity
Amuse: divert
Bless: to make (something) holy or sacred by a religious rite
Granting: to say thank you
Tears: the clear salty solution secreted by the lacrimal glands that lubricates and cleanses the surface of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids
Inn: a small hotel
Grip: the act of grasping
Churchyard: a place where there are graves
Gravestones: a stone marking a grave and usually giving the name and birth and death dates of the person buried
Glided: to move or cause to move easily without jerks or hesitations
Eerie: strange and mysterious