viernes, 31 de enero de 2014


In my opinion the Constitution is very important because it sets out the rights and duties that the Spaniards have and also It includes all the objectives of the country besides the form of government of the state. It is all-important because the application of the constitution is to respect each of the articles and put them in functioning, in general, not in particular benefits. But now we are observing cases in which there is some benefit to some people but what you can do. Also It is important because if a country doesn't have a constitution, it would be like a chaos because it would't have rules and it would be an anarchy.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014


Budget: A sum of money to be used for a specific purpose by a government

Free movement: The unrestricted movement of goods, services, people and capital

Cohesion: The act of uniting or staying together

Common market: A market based on common policies and the free movement of goods, services, people and capital

Fragmentation: When production processes occur in different phases, in different places

Development: The act or process of growing or making progress

Funds: The financial resources used by governments or political institutions for a specific purpose

Heterogeneity: A thing that consist of dissimilar elements or parts

Homogeneous: Made up of the same kind of people or things

Investment: The act of using something (time, money, effort, etc.) to achieve a goal

Monetary union: The sharing of the same currency between two or more state. In 1992, the concept of a monetaru union was agreed upon in the EU

Ombudsman: A government official or body who investigates complains by private citizens against government institutions

Outsourcing: Part of a company's work is sent to another company, sometimes in a different country, because it's cheaper or more efficient option

Self-sufficient: Being able to meet one's needs without external assistance

Solidarity: A union or fellowship created from common responsibilities and interest, feelings or purposes

Citizenship: The condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties

Duty: A task or action that a person is bound to perform for moral or legal reasons

Sceptical: Not convince that something is true

Surplus: A quantity or amount in excess of what is required

Seafaring: The act of travelling by sea

Outskirts: Outlying or bordering areas, districts, etc., as of a city

Profitable: Affording gain, benefit, or profit

Highway-motorway: A public road that all may use

Hierarchy: A system of persons or things arranged in a graded order

GDP: Gross Domestic Product

CAP: Common Agricultural Policy: (in the EU) the system for supporting farm incomes by maintaining agricultural prices at agreed levels

CFP: Common Fisheries Policy

Subsidy: A type of financing offered by a government

Treaty: A formal agreement between two or more states related to international relations

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014


Perplexed: Confuse

Beard: The hair that grows in the face of a man

Sceptical: Not be sure if something is true

Prove: Demostrate/justify

Beaks: The projecting jaws of a bird

Remains: Cadaver/fossil

Pinnacle: The highest peak or level of something

Footprint: An indentation or outline of the foot of a person or animal on a surface

Bit: A small piece, portion, or quantity

Stick: A small thin branch of a tree

Chin: The front part of the face below the lips

Entire: Whole/complete

Towards: About to happen

Spears: A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharp pointed end of metal, stone, or wood that may be thrown or thrust

Weapons: An object or instrument used in fighting

Nodd: To lower and raise (the head) briefly, as to indicate agreement

Ropes: A thick cord

Hatchets: A short axe

Branches: Is a small tree part

Whisper: To speak in a soft tone

Grotesque: Strangely

Chief: The leader in a group

Clerk: A worker in a office