jueves, 16 de enero de 2014


Perplexed: Confuse

Beard: The hair that grows in the face of a man

Sceptical: Not be sure if something is true

Prove: Demostrate/justify

Beaks: The projecting jaws of a bird

Remains: Cadaver/fossil

Pinnacle: The highest peak or level of something

Footprint: An indentation or outline of the foot of a person or animal on a surface

Bit: A small piece, portion, or quantity

Stick: A small thin branch of a tree

Chin: The front part of the face below the lips

Entire: Whole/complete

Towards: About to happen

Spears: A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharp pointed end of metal, stone, or wood that may be thrown or thrust

Weapons: An object or instrument used in fighting

Nodd: To lower and raise (the head) briefly, as to indicate agreement

Ropes: A thick cord

Hatchets: A short axe

Branches: Is a small tree part

Whisper: To speak in a soft tone

Grotesque: Strangely

Chief: The leader in a group

Clerk: A worker in a office

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